使命:求天下学问、做工商精英  愿景:河海特色、世界知名  价值观:上善若水、大道大德



经济学与国际贸易系 讲师











1.  朱未卫,周志翔. Interval Efficiency of Two-stage Network DEA Model with Imprecise Data. INFOR. (SCI, 通讯作者)

2.  吴杰, 周志翔.A Mixed-objective Integer DEA Model. Annals of Operations Research. (SCI,导师吴杰)

3.  吴杰, 周志翔, 梁樑. Measuring the Performance of Nations at Beijing Summer Olympics Using Integer-Valued DEA Model. Journal of Sports Economics. Vol. 11, 2009, 549-566. (SSCI, 导师吴杰)

4.  吴杰, T. Henry, 周志翔. Improving efficiency in international tourist hotels in Taipei using a non-radial DEA model. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Vol. 21, 2011,66-83.(SSCI,导师吴杰,香港导师T. Henry)

5.  T. Henry, 周志翔, 吴杰. Measuring and improving efficiency in international tourist hotels in Taipei: An application of DEA model with non-discretionary inputs. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. (SSCI, 香港导师T. Henry

6.  吴杰, 周志翔, T. Henry. Measuring and decomposing efficiency in international tourist hotels in Taipei using a multi-division DEA model. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration.

7.  吴杰, 周志翔, 梁樑, L.K.F. Bruce. Performance and Benchmarks of Participating Nations in Beijing Olympics Using DEA Approach. International Journal of Society Systems Science. Vol. 3, 2011, 185-201.

8.  吴杰, 周志翔, 梁樑. Measuring the Performance of Chinese Regional Innovation Systems with Two-stage DEA-based Model. International Journal of Sustainable Society. Vol. 2, 2010, 85-99.

9.  周志翔, 吴杰. Applying a Peer-Restricted Cross-Efficiency Approach to Measuring the Performance of International Tourist Hotels in Taipei, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management.

10. 曾嘉,周志翔,吴杰,陈智. A unified DEA approach for evaluating congestion: A case of hotels in Taipei. International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences.







